Rishika Kartik: Full List of Grant Awards ($30,000+ dollars in grant funding)

For more details please see LinkedIn:

  • 2024 Brown Arts Institute Student Grant (Brown Arts Institute): Public art exhibition about accessibility and blindness in the City of Providence (upcoming)

  • 2024 Independent Concentrator Grant (Brown University): for creating art at Hasbro Children’s Hospital Eye Clinic (upcoming)

  • 2023 Royce Fellowship Award (Brown University): for independent individual research: “Artistic Visions: The Impact of Making Art Accessible For the Blind”

  • 2023 Undergraduate Teaching and Research Award (Brown University): for novel group research: “Constructing Illness: Critical Perspectives on the Medical Model of Disability”

  • 2021 INSITE Grant Award (Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts): for “Canes Chiming In” accessible art showcase

  • 2020 Arts In Society Grant Award (Redline Contemporary Arts Center): for “Vision of the Artist’s Soul” accessible arts curriculum

  • 2020 Dairy Arts Microgrant: for “Mind’s Vision” virtual arts lessons + programming